This storage bag gives you a convenient way to keep all of your items organized and easy to access while camping with your Mini Mate Camper. The adjustable velcro straps allow you to secure it on the Mini Mate tent bows. The storage bag can support up to 10 lbs and works great to keep your phone, tablets, keys, drinks, wallet, books, and other items within reach. The bag is made of high-quality waterproof oxford fabrics sewn with secure stitches and inserted with paperboard for supporting and shaping. View the photos for overall size and individual compartment sizes.
If you love motorcycle camping the Mini Mate is for you! Light and easy to tow, sets up in just a few minutes, and easily has plenty of room for one (and I'm sure lots of room for 2 and all the things you need to camp. Pulls really easy (Vulcan Vaquero) and stops really easy too. I'm 6'2" and I had plenty of room to stretch out while sleeping and also in the little "dressing area" inside the door. I think the awning is a must and it is also plenty tall. Overall this camper is one of the greatest, best things I've ever bought! I highly recommend it!
My camping trailer was delivered on time and in perfect condition. Uncrating was simple and assembly was easy. The video provided online was most helpful. No parts, nuts or bolts were missing. I am extremely happy with the entire order/delivery process and quality of the camper. Its' hard to describe just how easy this thing tows. Suspension is great. Does not bounce. I keep checking my mirrors just to make sure it is still connected to my bike. Its a perfect match for my Goldwing.
I bought my mini mate this spring. Picked it up on a Friday morning and headed home. I took the skyline drive (105) miles, and the entire blue ridge parkway (469) miles. My total trip was (1965) miles. The camper was great, it rained four of the six nights I camped but not one leak. I love my camper!